These are not new but new to me.
Fight Club
Cells by
obsessive24vidder's summary: "All I do I want to do with you." The cult of Tyler Durden.
After watching this I had to immediately re-watch the movie, so so awesome.
My Own Private Idaho
Momentary Seizure by
wistful_fevervidder's summary: "Love is a lot like having your shoes stolen."
I first watched My Own Private Idaho when I was thirteen and ever since then it's been one of my favorite movies so I was overjoyed to find this vid. Source and song are in perfect harmony and everything is so very pretty. Plus the summary line is beyond spot on.
Apocalypse Now
Talk Show Host by
thedeadparrotvidder's summary: well fucking well come and find me
Heart Of Funkness by
absolutedestiny Both these vids are both incredibly gorgeous and disturbing. Really really amazing!