Wow, I'm sort of pissed off right now. I had a nice, long update written out and was about to post it when my computer decided to be a bitch and freeze up on me. Computers are going to one day turn on us and kill us all, and I'll just sit there laughing at the irony of it all. Someone please, just shoot my computer.
I hardly ever update this. I'm just horrible at it. I mean, I've been doing a million things and I've found time to do everything... I need to update this more. I should tattoo it onto my hands that I should update my journal or something. Except I wouldn't really like to have that on my hands when I'm an old lady with a thousand cats
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Today's September 11th. I remember when the Twin Towers were hit. It played on the news here for the longest time. I just remember when of my friends coming back to class after lunch and telling us all, and none of us believed her. Then our Science teacher told us. We just couldn't believe it. Nothing like that could be true. But then when I got
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I bought a tiara today at the Dollar Store. I've had it on all day. I just don't want to take it off. It makes me feel special and like a princess. It's fun. My parents think I'm crazy, but, what's new there? I asked my mum if I could wear it to school... She just said that they'd suspend me. Then again, she said that they'd suspend me if I wore my
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Oi, I've been neglecting my journal. I tend to do that a lot though... Anyways. I got accepted at sweet_like_what and I joined another one about Ashlee Simpson (ashleesimpson) just 'case, lol
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