the only person i can really talk to and i can relate to is the person who i am mad at...i need someone who i can talk to and who would always be there for me
im always here for you rachelle, whether its between thick or thin. as nicole said above, if you can really talk to this person then you should explain to them that you are mad and try and work it out. im sure everything will work out in time. i love you.
why are you going out with roland, he is such a douche bag and he isnt even that hot, he has so many freckles and he thinks he is cool but he really isnt. and ur not even that pretty, you are flat and short and your extremely ugly, your face is disgusting
if u think roland is ugly and u think i am ugly than we should be a perfect couple cuz as u say it were both ugly...i never said i was pretty i never thought i was pretty so i agree with u there...and i am sry that u think of roland that way but if u don't even like me than y do u care what i do with me life?
Comments 21
roland is hot hot hot! LOL I X3 YOU RACHELLE!
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