My husband has been out of town since Thursday and I miss him. This apparently makes me a freakish sort of wife. I can’t believe how many people love it when their spouse/SO goes out of town. Maybe I will eventually feel that way…but we’ve been together for going on 5 years and I still don’t like to be without him. It just feels wrong…off. He
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Apparently no one was able to respond to this so I am posting it once more:
Since I haven't posted much here is a MEME pillaged from st_inebriusIf you're so inclined, ask me any question about any of the following
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I just found out that Chuck Norris has an office at one of the buildings here...actually in the building my husband works at. I am going to begin stalking him...carefully....
(Inspired by cakeandmilqueWhen I was 5 my Mom and Dad took my two older sisters (6 and 7 years older then I am) and me to the Shrine Circus. My Dad had gotten us awesome seats, maybe two rows back from all the action. I can remember them buying me a popcorn and this weird animal-like thing made out of rabbit fur that dangled from the end of a wooden stick.
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