heyyyy Laura. I've heard ridiculously good things about you from Sam&Mere, and as far as I can see, you're awesome. your writing is really inspirational and i absolutely love reading it. have you considered journalism? you really have a talent, and you're an incredible person.
you're SO FUCKING FUNNY. whenever i miss the "old days" back in Concord, I just remember eighth grade, mr. gauthier and mr. lemeris, and you. we had some fucking amazing times. we lost touch for a long time, but now we've had the chance to hang out a few times again, and talk a bit. it's a really nice feeling, it's like feeling i'm at home. finally. so thank you, for that.
ok. alex. i miss you a lot since you left, and this summer, although no match to last summer, was my second favorite summer ever, because i got to hang out with you and explore, and we had an amazing time. i loved getting to know you, and you were a really fun guy to hang out with. you always impressed me with something, whether it be your knowledge or the way you expressed yourself (when i got it out of you). sometimes you brought me down because you were so hard to reach, but when i saw you when you came back, i couldn't believe how much you'd changed. you're so much happier now, and that's incredible to see. i'm really happy for you, and glad to be your friend, and i look forward to seeing more happier alex this christmas.
Hey, I can never seem to get in contact with you when I need you. Give me a call or find me online as soon as possible, I've got something I want to talk to you about.
i already know what you think of me, but here's something i want to say:
you're the sister i always wanted and never had. you're more than awesome; you're essential. i feel more complete now that i know you. there are so many ways that you've influenced my life that i could never tell you all of them without writing a paper worthy in length of a doctoral thesis. you're more than a friend and i'd do more than die for you. thank you for just being.
asssshllllleeeeey!!! hanging out with you tonight just reinforced my opinion that you are FUCKING AWESOME!!! you are the sweetest girl, and your reactions are reallyyyy cute. if i was a lesbian i'd probably want you bad.
but honestly, you and brig are the friends i've been looking for for a long time, and hoped to find at west. you're both carefree and fun, and reaaal and just so much fun to be around. you two could make feel better even if i was having the shittiest day, just by doing your crazy dancing and singing to 80s tunes. i just love you both so much.
Comments 44
we should hang out more than 2 or 3 times a year.
you're the sister i always wanted and never had. you're more than awesome; you're essential. i feel more complete now that i know you. there are so many ways that you've influenced my life that i could never tell you all of them without writing a paper worthy in length of a doctoral thesis. you're more than a friend and i'd do more than die for you.
thank you for just being.
but honestly, you and brig are the friends i've been looking for for a long time, and hoped to find at west. you're both carefree and fun, and reaaal and just so much fun to be around. you two could make feel better even if i was having the shittiest day, just by doing your crazy dancing and singing to 80s tunes. i just love you both so much.
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