Summary: McCoy reluctantly attends Admiral Alderly's New Year's Eve party, and finds himself receiving a midnight kiss (of sorts) from an unexpected guest.
Warnings: Non-explicit sex and dark themes, including drugs, mind control, dub con, angst, and the boys not ending up together.
Author's Note: I love a spooky holiday story, and no one
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Comments 66
This was beautiful, heart-breaking and I'm going to feel haunted all day by it. Poor Bones, this line summed his state perfectly, a sob of despairing pleasure.
This is a subject that fascinates me, is it better to know and suffer or to be blissfully ignorant and find peace?
Beautiful story, my darling, beautiful! *sniffs*
This is a subject that fascinates me, is it better to know and suffer or to be blissfully ignorant and find peace?
I always wondered this about the TOS episode "Requiem for Methusaleh" (the one if which Kirk falls in a heartbeat, yet again, for a beautiful woman, only to lose her, and Spock uses the Vulcan mind whammy to make him forget). I always thought it showed Spock didn't understand humans very well--I think most people (especially romantics like McCoy) would prefer to know that they had had a great love in life). At the very least, I think it should be one's choice.
Thank you again so much for your help and for the glorious venue that is space_wrapped!
Creepy, too.
Well done.
Well done!
Thanks so much for participating.
I loved this.
And your icon is made of hott.
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