Fucking hating life Out of pain meds and in pain Depressed I've had a counselor a few months now Can't tell her everything though Tried to reach out to someone They didn't care enough to listen
Nobody gives a Fuck about me I should probably just go kill myself
Yep. Too bad I ran out of ativan and have crazy anxiety. Possibly having withdrawals from running out of (prescribed) meds. A few, all at once. I Feel like shit.
I want to kill myself. Nobody cares. Why should I? Barely eating or drinking but I'm fat so that won't work. Sleeping as much as possible to avoid pain, physical and emotional. Maybe I'll die in my sleep from sleep apnea from being fat. Cant get myself to actually do it.
One of the worst birthdays I've had. Cool, people on Facebook said happy birthday. They cared enough to take 5 seconds when Facebook reminded them. That's nice. But did anyone take the time to actually Spend time with me? Not really
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4 months post-op. chest looks really good. Still sinking in that I never have to wear a binder again! stopped taking amitriptyline. Got a job. Things died off with the girl from okc. Date with different okc girl later today. James wants me to go visit Portland. So I got a stupid job.