For whatever reasons mainly his lame typist Lleu still hasn't managed to rid himself of the iron thrall's bands around his throat and wrist. He is on the terrace lashing lathes of wood together for Arthur to practice with, but would easily wander off elsewhere given the right motive...
chronicler/author/lunatic has a new post up at simien_mtn_fox . Contains spoilers for The Winter Prince. Actually, it is The Winter Prince. Illustrated in Playmobil.
Like there isn't anything better to do with one's time at Midwinter's.
Lleu is making bows. Collecting firewood with Florence gave him the idea. This is work his marksman brother taught him, so these are reasonably strong and balanced; maybe not for anything as big as deer, or wolf, but certainly well-made enough to kill rabbit or fowl. He is minded of several reasons it might be a good idea to arm himself: Kay's
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Morgause could maybe use a little help... the newest arrival has just fainted at her feet in one of the mansion's bathrooms. The door is ajar and everyone's decent.