As I debate renewing my CCNA certification that expires in February, I remember the entries I posted here when I first took the exam. That means this LJ is at least three years old.
Well, my OA was yesterday, and my score was high enough to pass, but not high enough to get an ICO. So they didn't take my SF-86, but will put me on the LEH. I'll translate that out of gov-speak ( behind the cut. )
When I left to go to lunch at 12:15, two of my cow-orkers were heatedly discussing college football. When I returned at 1:30, they were STILL talking football. And one of these guys is from another department and nowhere near his desk, so it's not like he can claim he's working and talking at the same time
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So I've been following CNN for the past couple of days, and today brought discussions of disease, with the mayor of New Orleans and the saying dead bodies in the water pose a threat. This article acknowledges that although the water is nasty, it's not the corpses that are really the issue
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I got my Foreign Service Written Exam results today, and I didn't pass. I've requested my score breakdown by section so I can see what to focus on for next year's exam.
So I went to the dentist today. X-rays show decay on one of the teeth that supports the bridge that provides me with an eyetooth on my left side, since that actual tooth is wedged up in my head (they call it an unerupted canine, but that gives a totally different picture, if you ask me). The upshot is that the bridge will have to be cut off to
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So today is my last day in the talks-to-customers job; tomorrow I start the only-talks-to-vendors iteration of it. I've done no real work today, and I have no intention of starting now
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and I sat at my desk. Today has been one of the longest days, ever, probably because it's my first real day back since a week's vacation. Technically, I was in the office yesterday, but all I did was read email
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Today, while waiting at the light to make a right into the office park where I work, the woman in the Civic in front of me opened her car door, leaned out, and puked on the street.
In other news, I am now a NAUI certified scuba diver. Yay, me!