I love this article. Gordon Sinclair says a lot of what I have been thinking about this case.
Winnipeg Free Press Posted using
ShareThis EDIT: Clearly, the Free Press's ShareThis app isn't working properly. Here is the actual link to the article:
http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/mental_illness_wounds_tens_of_thousands_of_families-40769397.html (
Text copied under the cut )
Comments 5
i feel like i literally can't believe it.
it is so incredible to see another person
with this perspective on this issue,
i could cry...
it's so validating after seeing so much demonization of mental illness...
and yet i still feel i have to say
that i am so sorry for the family of the man who was killed,
because i truly am, what a horrible devastating experience...
i almost feel like i have to apologize for this act,
as if i somehow caused it...
isn't that crazy?
laughs weakly...
Do you think your feelings of responsibility come just from sharing a vaguely related diagnosis -- just like you say "stupid white people" and feel that you have to apologize for our advantages in society?
i didn't answer your question really, did i?
i got all rant-y...
i guess i feel like,
"hey i'm mentally ill, but i won't kill you, i promise!
cross my heart, hope i die, i'm just self-destructive...
and you know, that puts me in the majority...
only a very, very small percentage of mentally ill people are
outwardly violent, but it's always *big news* if it does happen...
there are way more violent acts committed by people
who drink to excess, fight and/or attack and fatally injure someone...
and there is very little reporting on people who are ill,
and doing well...it's just not newsworthy, is it?"
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