YAY!!! The email from the MEFAs was waiting for me this morning with good news:
Passing received Second Place in Races: Elves: Incomplete
Thank you, Oshun, for nominating this story! *hugs*
A Matter of Cultural Differences received First Place in Genres:
Humor: Elven Legends
Thank you to Viv for nominating Erestor! XD
Rambling a bit... )
Comments 42
>>I missed many good stories.<<
Oh, don't I know the feeling! I meet my target, too, but only just, and there were still so many great stories on my wishlist...
Some of my reviews make more sense than others. I was running so late it came down to either edit or read more stories. I stopped editing and it shows *g*.
I need to do a post about my results, but I think I'll wait till I catch Red later and can get a nice banner out of her.
>>Some of my reviews make more sense than others.<<
Oh - you, too? Makes me feel a little better. (Some of mine were frankly embarrassing.)
I'll keep an eye out for your post!
Right now, I'm trying to make up my mind about the banner: NiRi made a lovely 'MEFA nominee' banner with Erestor and Gwirith, but the customized one - and using that one would save the MEFA-manippers some work - actually also suits the story quite well:
If you choose to go with the one I made for you, I'll be more than happy to customize it to a winning banner. I still have the PSD file and it would be easy and quick to do. :)
>>I'll be more than happy to customize it <<
Thanks - that's a great offer! I think I've made up mind already, but will sleep on it, just to be on the safe side. :-)
(Of course there is the little problem that now I have to finish the d**n story. *g*)
I missed reviewing stories that I intended to review. I'd have to check, but I think I may have missed "Cultural Differences." I'm sorry if I did. I loved it. I'm not very organizationally inclined. (When I first thought of starting a novel, I wondered how one kept track of where one put the chapters on one's harddrive? I'm pretty lame!)
Congratulations are in order to you, too, I believe?
>>I didn't realize "Passing" did not stand alone.<<
No way you could know, really - it wasn't mentioned anywhere. I did originally write it as a stand alone, but it asked more questions than it answered, really, so later I began working on a WIP related to it (from way back in time - I refer to this stuff as 'The First Elves' or 'The Singers'). After reading the MEFA-rules, I thought I'd better mention this fact since otherwise the story might be disqualified later or something (not so good with understanding rules, you know) and then it ended up categorized with all these intimidatingly good stories(!) and I was just about ready to withdraw it, because obviously it couldn't compete...
>>I missed reviewing stories that I intended to review.
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