The challenge is to write a fic based on the song under the cut - It's "Why I got you on my mind" by Ellie Goulding. You don't have to have the lyrics in the fic and it doesn't have to be a song fic as such. Pairing(s) are up to you as long as Lita is a main character.
The only type of challenge I've been posting this year are must include the lines challenge so here's another one. Can be any Lita pairing/friendship that you like but must include:
Guy of your choice: "That's it. I'm leaving." Lita: "This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure."
Everything I seem to watch lately is giving me ideas for challenges. Another lines must be included challenge. Can be any Lita Pairing you want but must include:
Lita: "I didn't realise we would be sharing." Guy of your choice: "I find it helps for both parties to be present when spending the night together."
Might try this one myself but wanted to put out there if anyone wants to give it a shot. It's just a couple of lines which needs to be included. Stolen from Lost in Space on Netflix. Any Lita pairing really.
Guy: "I'm okay."
Lita: "I never said you weren't. Do you want me to argue? Because I can do that."
I'm personally trying to get back into writing. Is there any interest in starting this community up again? I know nothing has been posted for nearly 5 years but my love for Lita still remains strong.