Hi, my name is Grace, and I'm a lurker.
I've been lurking around online, following one fandom to another (in alpha order: Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, Dead Zone, due South, Farscape, Firefly, Highlander,House, Hard Core Logo, Lord of the Rings, Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Sentinel, Smallville, Star Trek: TOS, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG1) for six
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Comments 14
In the meantime,I'd love to be friended. May I friend back?
For years, I've been shocked by the number of people who will in conversation ask me what her school or life plans are while she's standing right beside me. 'Cuz, she's just a kid, right? Couldn't possibly be making her own decisions. (Good Lord, she's been making them since she was 18.) Argh.
Me? I was in a store in San Francisco last Summer, one of those little ones that has it's own stereo system, and OMG, the CD they had on was amazing. I asked the salesgirl who was playing, and she looked at me funny. "They're really wonderful," says I. Now she's skeptical. "Really. I like them a lot. What's their name?" I think she was really and truly blown away by the idea that some matronly, middle-aged woman might actually be grooving on Death Cab for Cutie. Argh, again ( ... )
And appreciating the beauty of the Winchesters is just a matter of having eyes ;-)
I like the way the internet "levels the playing ground" by eliminating whatever social judgments we all, consciously or not, make with our eyes. The only reason I know Supernatural skews young is that so many Author's Notes say "I really should be (reading about the Etruscans, memorizing cellular structure, preparing for that meeting with my Advisor tomorrow, etc.), but I'm posting fic instead!" (And if their scholarship is at the level of their writing craft, I'm sure they're all doing just fine with the academics.)
(And, ah! You're not quite old enough to have loved my first loves when first I loved them.)
(You write in almost every fandom I read; you betcha I've read your stuff. So, very belatedly, thank you!!!)
*hides face*
I found my way over here from fandom_flies and noticed you and I share a mutual "friend" - one who I happen to think is the bees knees. *G* So I started poking around (because I am not a lurker but I am *incredibly* nosy *G*) -
-OMG! We share so many OTPs! I love that.
-You are always welcome at my journal, if I have to lock it down you have a free pass in ;) Right now it's very QAF centric but I do post recs from other fandoms so *shrug* helpful maybe?
-http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html This will allow you to DL Gimp, which is open-source "photoshop" software - it's remarkably similar to PS actually, it's a little less user-friendly in some things and easier in others but it works.
-most of my favorite friends in fandom are "middle-aged" I doubt anyone is going to care if you are, cause, you know - not alone - :)
I am SO GLAD you're done with chemo. I cannot imagine how much that must have sucked, and I hope you're okay now. *hugs*
And I am THRILLED that Gimp worked for you. \o/ (I love your icon! Hee! That's awesome.)
And yes! Please, of course we need to be friends. *G*
*hugs back*
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