I am so excited, i'm off to the community garden plot today!!!
It might be really uhm overgrown and terrible. My goal is to clear out one bed and plant some stuff.
it's like 53 degrees and partially sunny. yay!
According to my sources these are the things i can put into the ground now that i have seeds for (I am in zone4-5; madison, WI):
veggies: sugar peas, purple cauliflower, spinach, carrots, red radish, allstar, gourmet lettuce mix, daikon radish, green bib lettuce, onion (seeds), leeks
herbs: cilantro, leaf parsley
flowers:lamb's ears, nasturtium, forget me nots, bachelor's button, phlox,
I want to buy onion sets... cuz i'm worried about my onion seeds will not take... i'm not sure if i should do that today or wait...
i also want to get little sticks to label everything.
x-posted to
garden_hoes &