Title: Who am I? (One-shot)
Pairings: Yamajima, Yabu/unknown, Yuto/Keito (friendship), Yabu/Yuto (YUBU!)(friendship)
Genre: Friendship/slight angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Yeah...well...I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Summary: Yuto watches Yamada slip away. Yabu wonders who Nakajima Yuto really is.
Comments 39
xD, thanks for stopping by!
I love your Keito, seriously. He's so much win in here. XD And Yabu too, because I picture him just as sweet. ♥
*hugs Yuuto* Don't worry, Yama-chan'll come around because you're too sweet to resist. ;_;9
Yeah, anyway. XD
I love it. ♥♥♥
Keito wasn't originally supposed to be in this fic. He practically wrote himself in there and he turned out AWESOME. Yabu on the other hand, it's like a second nature to write him. So I'm glad you liked it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Waaah, poor Yuto. -hugs- Yama-chan was slightly evil in this.
But Keito was so cool! I kind of fell in love with him in this..
But not as much as Yabu. -sighs- I'm 10 times more in love with him now after reading this! I reallly enjoy your writing, I think it's fantastic!
I'm glad you liked Keito...he turned out to be a really good addition to this story, especially since I NEVER meant to put him in (he just snuck in on his own).
Lolx, yesh, my goal is achieved! I love Yabuchii wayyyy too much to be healthy so I'm glad people like how I write him.
Awww, thank you, I'm glad you liked it!
I loved how frank Keito was. And I LOVE Yabu's character. He's such a sweetheart.
They had been lying back to back on the couch for what felt like hours. But he couldn’t bring himself to end this. He couldn’t bring himself to leave the comfort of this room, to leave Yabu. After all, this was the most comfortable he had felt in months.
How is it, , he wondered. That only Yabu-kun can have this kind of effect?
ahsjasfladfjlkgsflk;lfk. TOO SWEET. If I had a problem, I'd want to cry on Yabu too! XD
And Yabu going through the same situation . . . I sense YabuHika *is bricked*
Thank you writing this!!!!
Keito turned out soooo well, I'm really surprised. And Yabuchii...xD, he's truly a sweetheart. Love him, love him, LOVVVVEEEEEE HIMMMMM!!!!!
Awwww, same...I think he has to be the greatest hugger in the world. Otherwise, why would so many Johnny's be glomping him all these years?
XD, you would, youuuuuu would. ^_^, *saves you from brickage*
Awww, thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you liked it!
Here is the KATTUN clinic skit.
Here is the Yellow Helmet of Happiness skit.
He's cute in both of them but makes a longer appearance in the first :)
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