Title: Don’t Go Anywhere Pairings: Takabu Genre: Angst/Romance Rating: G Disclaimer: Owning JUMP would be like owning slaves. Illegal. Summary: Sometimes, Takaki wonders what would happen if Yabu ever left. ( Read more... )
Tired thanks to the hell that is school, but otherwise pretty chipper. You?
And aaaaaaaaaaaa this is so cute. ♥
Because everyone, fans and Johnny’s alike, knew that that Yabu was the one who held JUMP together and it was ridiculous to not give him any credit for it at all.
Yay! You're back! I'm really glad. I was kind of worried there for a while. You're my favourite writer so I was so excited to see that you had posted a new one-shot. And a Takabu one as well. This is seriously so adorable. I love it. I'm seriously in love with the whole insecure Takaki thing. And of course, you can't go wrong with Yabumama. -dances- I really love this. And now I'm actually getting emotional because I really missed your fics! I even went back and read all your fics over again. Heh. Anyways, I hope you're doing well. And I look forward to any future fics or one-shots. Have a fantastic day!
I dont exactly know what OTP means but I think this is my HSJ OTP? this was really sweet. I think this is my favorite of this pairing that I have read~~ Thank you~
Comments 13
And aaaaaaaaaaaa this is so cute. ♥
Because everyone, fans and Johnny’s alike, knew that that Yabu was the one who held JUMP together and it was ridiculous to not give him any credit for it at all.
Short 'n sweet.
I've missed your writing.
Why must school be so evil? D:
You're my favourite writer so I was so excited to see that you had posted a new one-shot.
And a Takabu one as well. This is seriously so adorable. I love it.
I'm seriously in love with the whole insecure Takaki thing. And of course, you can't go wrong with Yabumama.
-dances- I really love this.
And now I'm actually getting emotional because I really missed your fics!
I even went back and read all your fics over again. Heh.
Anyways, I hope you're doing well. And I look forward to any future fics or one-shots.
Have a fantastic day!
I think this is my HSJ OTP?
this was really sweet. I think this is my favorite of this pairing that I have read~~
Thank you~
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