So, yesterday I made it up from Dallas in 17 hours almost exactly. Including all stops. Got in about four. So I never really want to do that drive ever, ever again. Four times in a month
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hate hate loath dispise and hate.vodkahnlimeDecember 21 2004, 13:06:38 UTC
" you old bag!" i hate you. hate hate hate. i miss you though. call me ok. i went to the doctor today. i have to get an MRI on my ankle tomorrow. . .and i have to get my cavity filled--sheesh. it sucks. and you suck for having all the best music ever. good thing we're friends :)
Velvet Revolver, eh?bsilvermoonDecember 21 2004, 16:14:35 UTC
You definitely suck!!! I agree with Hannah! I want VR...and others. I hope your feet are warm now. My aren't and they wont be until...well...the freakin' summer. ...girlfriend...
Re: never thought you'd hear from me, eh?live_animalDecember 23 2004, 22:24:34 UTC
mums the word. I love you--and miss you like the devil-----ahem, or you know, a missionary or whatever. I don't even know if you'll get this---so hoping against hope and knowing you probably won't respond---I LOVE YOU!
OHH MY HESS!!!!lovelostsamuraiDecember 22 2004, 21:16:50 UTC
Hey there buttercup. NO FAIR YOU GET HESS AND I GET NONE OF HIM!!!!! And how did I never exposed you to Carbon Leaf? Man they RULE. Well I miss ya and Tuan says he misses you too. Oh and not to burst any bubble, but the song Lauren sang is from Andrew Lloyd Webber' "Song and Dance" not Sondheim's "Sunday"....For a 23 year old guy I know way to much about musicals to be considered heterosexual. Oh well. As always I find myself a complex anomaly. Love ya and CALL ME!! Dave.........oh and P.S. finally saw a little flick called "FINDING NEVERLAND" and HOLY CRAP that movie was amazing. I repeat A M A Z I N G!!! Well take care. Tomorrow I get to go see "Phantom of the Opera"
Re: OHH MY HESS!!!!live_animalDecember 23 2004, 22:22:42 UTC
Hello, why didn't you ever introduce me to Carbon leaf!!!! Have fun at phantom! tell tuan hi and yes---hess rocks so hard!! so do you dave--but I have to be bitter that I've missed out on carbon leaf all this time.
Comments 7
i miss you!
heidy ho
I don't even know if you'll get this---so hoping against hope and knowing you probably won't respond---I LOVE YOU!
Dave.........oh and P.S. finally saw a little flick called "FINDING NEVERLAND" and HOLY CRAP that movie was amazing. I repeat A M A Z I N G!!! Well take care. Tomorrow I get to go see "Phantom of the Opera"
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