bc deep down..you are stronger than you think. you can making it through so much more than you are giving yourself credit for. think about all the times youve helped me through problems i didnt think i could make it through. use your own advice. despite how hard that might be. and if you need, which im always offering, my shoulder is here to cry on, and i make a pretty good crunch if you need me. i love you soooo much. and i miss you.
Katelynn, thanks for always being there for me. I know we haven't talked in awhile and I want to ASSURE you that it is in no way because I am mad at you or because I don't want to talk to you. It's simple really, a lot has been going on, and I really need to get you up to speed on it all. I will call you soon after I get caught up in school and explain all! <3
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and i miss you.
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