I see him, but he sees past me. I look in his eyes, but he looks around me. Does he know what I see when he stares through me? I see him and I can't help watching him not watching me...
dedicated to the boy i like oh so much.............lindsey please dont say anything about him....... <333kelsey
Dear Lindsey, I hate fighting with you. It sux ass. i am gonna stop cuz shandi cares about me and she means alot to me, just like you do. ill never stop being there for you but maybe we should take a break on our friendship because it is causing to much "conflict" in lack of a better word. i love you like a sister. <
i just realized....if im telling the truth i dont have to prove myself to any1.....i totally just realized that.so u dont have to belivev anything i say as long as u dont call me a fucking liar!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. yes that means you. u know who u r....just cuz i dont act/look like one it doesnt mean i dont!!!!!!