In case the worst happens make sure your wishes are known.I participate in the
LJ Donor Card Save My LJ program.
Do you? The journal you preserve will be your own.
Information About the LJ Donor Card Program
Started by
earlylight and
voicesinherhead, the LJ Donor Card Program provides a forum for you, the lj user, to state your wishes for your Live Journal only in the event of your death.
If you are interested in participating in this program:
ljdonorcard . Create a journal entry with your personal wishes. Include the name of your journal (or journals) along with your trusted person, instructions for locating your password, and a clear statement on what you want done with your journal.
Now, do the following:
1. Make sure your post is marked public.
2. Tag the entry with your user name (names) and the tag "wishes"
3. Post your entry.
4. Speak to your trusted person about your wishes.
Once that is completed, place a comment in your userinfo that you participate in the LJ Donor Card Program, and provide a link to the individual entry page. You may use the HTML code provided below to do so.
Click in Box. Select All (Ctrl + A) Copy (Ctrl +C)
Change THE URL OF YOUR LJDONORCARD COMMUNITY POST ENTRY to the link of the individual entry page of your LJ Donor Card entry, which should look something like this: Replace the # signs with the correct entry ID number (you can find this in your browser's address bar when you click the comment page of your entry).