Jun 03, 2005 23:28
mY sIs n i wEnt tO thE zOo tOdAy aNd thEn tO sEe hOUsE oF wAx. iT wAs aLot oF fUn. =) mY mOm thInKs tHaT i nEeD tO gEt a jOb thIs suMmEr sO i gUesS i wIll bE lOoKinG fOr oNe neXt wEek =\
Jun 01, 2005 11:12
mUh siSTeR t0ld mE aBouT LJ sO i thOUghT i woULd tRY iT oUt. i wAnNa mAkE aBuNCha frIEnDs sO hIt mE uP.