
possets: halloween book of the dead decant circle

Sep 29, 2012 00:20

Geez, these fall scents are killing me here! So much for my decanting hiatus...

click! )

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Comments 99

7indigo September 29 2012, 09:07:15 UTC
Can I please get decants of:
The Feather of Maat
The Great Embracer
The Mistress of Heat
Ghost Fart


lm October 7 2012, 22:06:10 UTC
Hey! How attached to Ghost Fart are you? Might you be interested in 2 decants or a half bottle instead? No pressure whatsoever, but since I only have 2 signups for it, I'm trying to figure out if it should be ordered or dropped!


7indigo October 7 2012, 22:51:44 UTC
I can do a half bottle :)


7indigo October 11 2012, 12:05:04 UTC
Hi again! I'm going out of town later today and was hoping to send you payment before I leave... could you please send me a total? Thanks!


miss_isis_uk September 29 2012, 09:08:13 UTC
I may be interested in these but I'm waiting to hear back from Ajevie on a couple of scents...will let you know though!


miss_isis_uk September 29 2012, 22:25:05 UTC
Ok-I've decided, I'll partake in your circle! I'd like the half-decants of the Book of the Dead scents, and the other new Halloween scents I mentioned before. (Too many amazing Weenie scents from the etailer universe in the last few days means half-decants would be best for my update-battered Paypal account!)


lm October 2 2012, 03:27:03 UTC
Argh--I accidentally deleted your earlier order comment, so I'm reposting it here:

" If I am interested though, I'll take halfs of all the Book of the Dead
scents (including Embalming Unguent) and halfs of Feral 2012,
Frankenscent and Pumpkin on Wall Street."

I'll get you a total ASAP after making sure all these bottles are definite :)


lm October 7 2012, 22:14:24 UTC
All right, everything you ordered is final now :) The total for these comes up to $59.11 to damon at panavatar dot net. Thank you so much!


wendyb1063 September 29 2012, 13:19:01 UTC
I would love to get 1/2 decants of the following (shipping to US). Thank you!

Apep- The Snake God
Duat (The Underworld)
Re- God of the Sun
She Who Presides Over Gardens
Spell 125
The 7 Gates of the House of Osiris
The Feather of Maat
The Female Souls of the Night
The Field of Reeds
The Mistress of Power
The Mistress of Trembling
Thoth- The Scribe God
Autumnal Equinox
Feral 2012
Pumpkin on Wall Street
Pumpkin Pepys


lm October 2 2012, 03:31:16 UTC
Hi! As mentioned up at the top, I'm only offering half decants of the Book of the Dead scents if you order a complete set of them. Are you okay with getting fulls of those instead, or would you otherwise like the change the order? Thanks!


wendyb1063 October 2 2012, 10:15:52 UTC
Oops, sorry for not reading! Yes, full decants of those are fine. Thank you!


lm October 7 2012, 22:19:33 UTC
Hey! How attached to Pumpkin Pepys are you? Enough to move up to a full decant or half bottle? I only have a couple signups so I'm considering dropping it. No pressure whatsoever, but figured I'd give you the chance to upsize if you're really set on it!


avidbeader September 29 2012, 13:28:41 UTC
Thanks for doing this and announcing it over on the Possets LJ!

I'd like full decants of Pumpkin Pepys, Cleopatra, Re-God of the Sun, and The Great Embracer.

Thank you again!


lm October 7 2012, 22:22:12 UTC
Hey! How attached to Pumpkin Pepys are you? Enough to move up to a full decant or half bottle? I only have a couple signups so I'm considering dropping it. No pressure whatsoever, but figured I'd give you the chance to upsize if you're really set on it!


avidbeader October 7 2012, 22:31:08 UTC
I did want a full decant, but I can move up to a half-bottle if it makes things easier. Let me know a total when you're ready!


lm October 7 2012, 22:40:03 UTC
Ha! I just realized I had you listed under Wall Street instead of Pepys. Some weird mistranslation in my brain....

Okay, Pepys is definite now, you still have 1 full decant of it, and your total comes to $13.44 to damon at panavatar dot net. Thank you!


white_aster September 29 2012, 15:32:26 UTC
Was HOPING you'd do these! :D Could I combine shipping with my conjure halloween decants?

Anubis (I'll take a chance on that coffee note...)
The 7 Gates of the House of Osiris
The Field of Reeds
Re- God of the Sun
Spell 125

US address, cc Paypal. Thank you! :D


lm October 7 2012, 22:24:09 UTC
Yes, you can combine shipping :) All of these are final now, and your total comes to $21.42 to damon at panavatar dot net, please. Thanks!


white_aster November 9 2012, 13:23:05 UTC
Hi, hi! I hate to be a pest, but could I have the DC number so I can obsessively check it rather than bothering you? ^_^;; It's been over a week, now, and usually I get things faster than that. Might be leftover hurricane-ness, is my guess. Thanks!


white_aster November 15 2012, 00:16:32 UTC
Hiii! I hate to be a pest, but could I have the DC number so I can obsessively check it rather than bothering you? ^_^;; I still haven't gotten my Possets and Conjures order, and I'm starting to be worried that it got hung up somewhere. Thanks!


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