I'm guessing the hesitation could be that you're afraid of disappointing them as in the reverse of the old "On paper, you're perfect but in person, not so much?" Or, perhaps you're burning out on that field?
That's exactly it! I know I don't have the experience they are looking for. I know I'll see his boss tomorrow.
I was also thinking about how I should do my resume now. I need to channel all my energy into just focusing on my accounting experience and exploit the hell out of it. I can dance around my other credentials in my cover letter and interview
This is probably too late for that meeting but for the next meeting...I would say know where/what your weaknesses are and be/are willing to do on-the-job training specific for that company because you are interested in working for that company. (How much of a better fit you would be compared to someone whom has more experience but only a general interest in that specific company). I agree with 'tooting your your horn' as long as you don't 'toot your horn' too far. That sounds dirty, doesn't it? 'tooting', lol.
Comments 3
I was also thinking about how I should do my resume now. I need to channel all my energy into just focusing on my accounting experience and exploit the hell out of it. I can dance around my other credentials in my cover letter and interview
I agree with 'tooting your your horn' as long as you don't 'toot your horn' too far. That sounds dirty, doesn't it? 'tooting', lol.
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