cutencrazy wrote in
Dec 21, 2005 11:28
Hey Micky D's, guess whose back?!?
That's right boys and girls. Rachel is back to bring joy in the hearts of her fellow employees. Yeah I missed all of you too.
so lets break out the big macs and have a mctastical day
masterofpit wrote in
Sep 08, 2005 09:29
On this last Monday, we were so shorthanded at work in the morning. I needed to go on break because I had already worked 5 hours, so Jess put Brad in grill on Muffins and had him make all the lunch fried food. lol It was a funny sight.
cutencrazy wrote in
Aug 31, 2005 16:31
you guys had better keep me updated on all the awesome BS thats goin on over there!!
love ya!
masterofpit wrote in
Jul 18, 2005 22:56
So do you feel safer now that we have cameras watching our every move and microphones listening to us?
_____cataclysm wrote in
Jul 12, 2005 10:19
Here is the official Lake Orion McDonald's LiveJournal!
Membership is monitored and all posts are members only. We aren't here to start fights, we are here to end them!
And occasionally dish some gossip.