Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Konnichiwa :)) Yesterday is our Dear Inoo-chan's birthday and i was supposed to make a one shot fic of InooBu (since i ship them so hard) but to bad we have to attend the NCAA Basketball Opening Ceremony here in our country so we can be excused in one P.E and E.P class well it's not that worth it because i bought a ticket that is the most cheapest
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Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Uwaaa my PC is now alive again >.< It died last week so i cannot update. Though I'm using my CP on replying on your comments but i cannot update my fic :)) well good thing it's fixed now i can now update again ... sorry to keep you guys waiting :/ Anyways, when asked them to repair my computer they deleted some files and those files are my oldest
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Ahhh tomorrow is my first day in school in college :O doushiyooo .... i really dont know what to do and what to expect and what to wear .... atleast i know what class should i attend but i dont know if i will wear my school uniform already or i will wear civilian. I dont know what to bring since my schedule is up to 5 in the afternoon. My tme is 8
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Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”