Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
I'm sorry i haven't updated yet that's because I'm facing hell last week and I promise to post evry fic evryday this week. I'm really sorry ... Anyway today is Mother's Day in philippines and I'm not sure if its the same to other countries but Happy Mothers Day to all your Mothers and I want to thank them for making and having you :))
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings: none so far :/ Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
Title: Possess Author:lo_ve_21 Pairing:AriYama, OkaJima, TakaChi, HikaNooBu Rating: R Genre:Romance, Angst, Shounen Ai Warnings:I dont know yet -.-" Summary:“Humans are not some thing you should possess.”
i dunno why i suddenly felt like changing everything in my journal ,, from the theme to the tags and stuff .. I just have this feeling that I have to take care of this journal :) Anyway, I've been out for a long time and I think I missed a lot of stuffs :/ Anyways , this is just a short babbling of nonsense about stuffs in like ,, i dunno if LJ
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guys, may yaoi convention , BLush yung pangalan, dun sa may shaw yung venue pagbumili ng ticket before mag oct.31 mas mura ng 50 pesos at may souvenir tote bag pang matatanggap. Sa november 11 pa naman make-claim yung ticket ang kailangan lang magplace na ng registration within oct.31. ANYWAY ETO NA YUNG CRUCIAL PART. SINCE YAOI CONVENTION SHA
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