so here we are. after reading my friends page on a daily basis and trying to comment to ensure that things were still cool on this end, i missed this journal today.. kinda felt like writing something cryptic, some mass of poetry to say "hi" to my friends list in a way, but i'm all out of those. the limit is reached, only when grinding shades
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after 8 months, i've finally restrung my guitar. the last time it had all 6 was before i moved out. here's hoping things pick up with writing. --- [[this entry was written solely to say: come back, pegnut. and now back to dreamcatching..]]
the weird dreams continue. i figured 12 hours of sleep would do me good but i kept waking up from evil things.. people dying.. and it's not like im eating anything before bed, so that's not the pattern.. throughout the night, i kept waking up.. over and over again due to things that would just creep me out so much i'd rather not talk about them
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i had horrible nightmares last night of people killing and being killed in a small room not unlike mine. people killing themselves, and me continuously trying to run away. everytime this unknown person and myself kept coming into the room, more people dead. piles of them hiding under blankets. by the time i had woken up, roughly 10 people died, one
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this journal had been deleted for a while. but it was a different one i was to delete. all a freakish accident.. but... hardly anyone noticed it went away. so let's just pretend it didnt happen. ----------- ( earlier... )
a. no it wasnt all just me. 2. oh the wonderful confusion! c. 6am. 3. too lost to complain d. i'll be up in the clouds 4. debt. e. are you lost? because i can't find you. 5. confusion f. read it again.