A million highschool and college students every year must find themselves in a melancholy state typical of the age group because of a perceived lack of love in their life
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I'm very curious about what weird little sadomasochistic device in our brains causes us, despite knowing exactly how self destructive a habit or act is, to constantly perpetuate said act which yields no benefit to us or others. Comfort maybe.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15361462/?GT1=8618Can we please send all the idiots who think it's inappropriate to hurt the feelings of people who might have information that could save lives to a secret moron colony on the moon
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Call me a huge fag, tell me I have a vagina. I don't care. I LOVE Tori Amos, and for completely objective reasons.
It's some of the most emotionally effective (and affective for that matter) pop music I've ever heard, and her lyrics are amazing. I'm trying to learn a few of her songs by ear. It's hard.