1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real prompt, and commenting on that with your fill.)
3) Try not to get too srs business.
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And I am shamelessly asking for more in this universe because I am a complete angst whore!
I need to know whats happens next, eg: does George find out about the fragile state of the Mandellbell relationship from Nick and determine to break them up to get Peter for himself, will Alastair head for a complete breakdown if he sees Peter with George, and is Nick feeling guilty for what he almost got Alastair to do or does he now find he is actually attracted to him now he knows how damaged the man is.
"What time is it?" demanded Alastair, twisting against the pillows to get a look at the clock. "One p.m? You let me sleep to one p.m"Well, what would you have done with the extra time if I'd woken you up earlier?" Peter shrugged ( ... )
"What do you want to do?" Alastair raised his eyebrows and took an enormous bite out of his toast. "Why are you here?" he repeated, staring Nick up and down. "You knew if you came there'd be nothing but trouble. You knew about -- them, the deceitful couple of tossers. You knew there wasn't much you could do to help. So why ( ... )
First thoughts:
George- omg! you may regret your actions later
Part of me wanted Peter to get out and another to stay- am torn.
But poor Alastair- particularly when he couldn't tell which belongings were his and which Peters- was agonizing. Though scratching the wallpaper as petty revenge is so him! Love woobie Alastair- and Nick slowly relasing there might be something between them- if only he can resist sleeping with Alastair for now!!!
How could Alastair do it, after all they'd been through together *sobs*. They'll get bored of Nick and George soon, right, right?? :o Praying for a Mandelbell reunion like an enormous pray-y thing. Please update soon.
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