11 - Off the Scale

Mar 24, 2011 09:22

Let's make use of all space-time dimensions and continue our epic journey through awesomeness.

Here are the basic rules again:

1) All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
2) Self-prompt when you post unprompted fic. (This means posting what the fill is about in a first comment, like a real prompt, and commenting on that with your fill.)
3) Try not to get too srs business. There are other places for that.

In addition to that:

4) Please stay as amazingly polite as ever and try not to engage in wank.
5) Comments and encouragement are love.

Useful places around the meme:
- Go here for missed fills and anything to do with tags
- You can announce your fills here and if you are looking for or offering to beta read go here.  The extra thread for old prompt fills is here.
- For suggestions of all kinds go here, for fic questions here.
- There is also a post for squee ( S) and a thread for dreams ( D)
- If you are looking for other inspirations, have a look at the captcha-fics post ( C), enjoy some RP or take part in CYOA here
- The freeze posts are still open to be used.

Suggestions for improvememnt are always welcome and you can DM lolitics_meme at any time.  :)

Filled prompts
Unfilled prompts
(Not so) Weekly (anymore) newsletter (read this if you want to help out)

You can see the most recent comments if you click http://lolitics-meme.livejournal.com/8600.html?view=flat#comments  and look at the last pages!

Prompt post 12 is here.

prompting: 11

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