Ok, well outside of a bunch of crazy shit happening to me and all, here's a slight recap.
Lost my Grandfather on my mom's side 3 weeks ago, last week my Grandmother on my dad's side died, and yesterday my Grandmother on my mom's side just had a stroke.
Ok, well since it's fairly obvious that I hardly post anymore and all I guess that I should at least say something every now and then just so people know I'm alive and all.
So, with that in mind yeah, I'm alive, and things are marginal. I'll probably post about them later but at this rate, I'm not quite sure I'm even comfortable talking about
Recently the local goth night here has ended it's run (about 2 and a half years) after 5 people showed up. Normally the average amount of people there are in between 12 and 18
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Fucking dammit, I did what I could to get to open, and I came down with this shit! Granted I feel better after some nyquil and 12 hours of sleep, but that's not the point.