May 31, 2007 00:55

Welcome to the FAQ post of the John/Vala Thingathon! Come on in, everyone's invited to the lonelytartsclub!

General * Getting Started * Technical
We love generals. Don't we?

What's this thingathon?
The John/Vala Thingathon is a challenge/gift exchange open to anyone interested in pairing up John Sheppard and Vala Mal Doran. Authors, artists, and icon-makers swap brand-new Things in their preferred medium, and incidentally increase the John/Vala in the world! It's to be John/Vala before, during, and/or after the Thing.

How is this different from the other gift exchanges?
When we said anyone, we mean anyone. John and Vala can be catalysts for any number of pairings in the Stargate fandom. And the two of them together...! We're all here for the John/Vala but if you'd like a little action on the side, if you know what we mean, we'll try to match you with someone who can provide it.

Does that mean I'll have to make time with some other pairing?
Not if you don't want to. Sign-ups will be an easy two-step process. We'll do the hard part: match you by media, sort you by general categories like "cheating/no cheating", then match up your requests. If something bugs you, there's a space to say so, as both a creator and recipient. John/Vala is pretty wild on its own, so we won't limit what you want to ask for!

(That means you can try to request a Thing where they don't stay together in the end. Awww.)

Beyond the general categories, you can indicate a limited number of preferences (like/don't like), so please consider the one thing you absolutely don't want to do or get. You may get the cargo ship you pay for.

Are you *sure* the math works out?
We've got Sheppard, we can't lose! Actually the more participants we get, the easier the matches will be. It would also be a big help if you left yourself open to making and receiving Things that you might not have tried before. It's a challenge! Have fun with it.

Do you have any rules?
Make one of three Things:

1 fanfiction of at least 1000 words
1 fanart in a common file format
10 icons that fit LJ requirements
Things must have John/Vala, before, during, and/or after.
Respect others' preferences! We all want comfy beds to jump on.
Communicate with the mods. We can't help if we don't know.
Thinking of fleeing the scene of the crime? Don't. We have harpoons.

Can we spread the word?
Yes, please! This Thingathon is friendly to all who love John and Vala. We do ask that you follow other communties' rules before posting about us. If those mods have more questions, feel free to pass along our contact information.

Edit: Adopt some graphics!

Who are the mods?
Liondragon shusu

Jade  jade_1459  

Aphelant aphelant

Remember to filter us out of your e-mail junk folders! Just in case our e-mail catches it, please put "Tart" somewhere in the subject.

Why lonely tarts club?
serabut came up with the name! Besides the slang, 'tart' is a good word for John/Vala. It can be sweet, it can be savory, it's juicy and seedy and a bit sour. Our lonely tarts John and Vala both got second chances when they joined up; *anything* could and can happen.

General * Getting Started * Technical

Signing Up and Getting Started
This is how we work it.

Where do we sign up?
Step 1 of sign-ups is here! Steps 1 and 2 all close on June 22, 2007.

There are 2 steps for signing up?
Yes. They're long, but easy. ;)
      Here's what step 1 looks like.
      And here's a sample graphic of step 2.

What's expected of givers?
You talented creators, you.
- Be honest about what you can create. For instance, if you think, "Hmm, I've written some het, I can handle extra het!" and you don't check that opt-out box? You might be matched with someone who wants Kavanagh/Wraith Queen with their John/Vala. Of course, that could be an interesting fic... On the other hand, if you specifically aren't up to creating K/WQ, then type it in as your one (1) guaranteed exclusion.
- You'll receive your assignments around June 23 - 25, having signed up to make at least one (1!) of three Things:

1 fanfiction of at least 1000 words
1 fanart in a common file format
10 icons that fit LJ requirements
- Your Thing needs John/Vala hooking up (subject to interpretation) before, during, and/or after the depiction.
- You'll be required to create based on at least 1 of 3 prompts, and to respect *all* the stuff your recipient doesn't want.
- Try not to contact your recipient until after the final deadline; the mods can act as go-betweens.
- Things will be due at lonelytartsclub by Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at NOON Central time when we open for member posting. (LJers can join here.)
- The posting window will remain open until we get everyone in. We might wiggle around about opening member posting early; stay tuned to the community, or e-mail the mods.
- If you just can't make it for whatever reason, please contact the mods as soon as possible so we can assign a pinch-hitter.
- Be pretty! That's what John and Vala do. Don't you love helping people?

What's available to help givers?
Hard-working, easy-living givers will be treated to Stargate series information posts, a comment-spam post for screenshots, a place for beta reader matching, frequent reminders of the Thing you're supposed to be making, and of course whatever is in the benevolent power of your mods. Who knows, there might be drinks. Join the community to take advantage of all these goodies.

Here is a handy calendar to track your progress.

See below for more helpful tips!

What's expected of recipients?
Yes, giving and receiving! Sign-ups are a two-step process, the first that's very quick and public, and a more specific, private poll that will be hosted on shusu's LJ. (That journal is otherwise devoted to explicit adult content, so wander at your own risk.)
- You can linger over step 2 until sign-ups close at 11:59 pm Central time on June 22, i.e. when the shark jumps for the last time this season on SciFi, shusu will privatize the poll. (All comments will be screened.)
- Keep your prompts short and sweet!
- For a smooth ride, take care when filling out the sign-in form/poll. You can opt-out of up to seven (7) general categories, and list up to three (3) things you don't want to get. The mods will do their best to match you with the former, and the creators are expected to abide by the latter.
- Should we attempt to do confirmation e-mails for your requests, if you do NOT answer, we will take that as an okay.
- Otherwise, the latest chronological poll result and/or comment will be used for your creator's assignment.
- Receive your Thing as you would a gift! It makes us all happy.

What do I do if I want more than one format?
Step 1 of the sign-up allows you to request what media you want (fic/art/icons). The more the better, of course.

Special dispensation: if you want fic and icons, or fic and art, you may comment with an additional filled-out form at step 2 of the sign-up. For instance you might want to read about explicit banana-eating but not see it drawn. This optional second form is *only* for fic+visuals. If you want art+icons, one sign-up form will have to do for both.

I won't be there for some of these deadlines! What do I do?
Let us know! We can prod you to get it done earlier, and let your giver know that you won't be there for the big party.
If you can't get it done, please let us know sooner rather than later.

How do we sign up for pinch-hitting?
First, you indicate it on step 1 of the sign-up.
Then, we kiss your feet.
Should there be lonely tart shells, notifications will likely go out through e-mail; the first to respond will get the job. It is possible that you will see your own requests on that list, and for that we apologize in advance.
It is suggested that your original assignment be prioritized ahead of any pinch-hitting!

More information will be available at the sign-up post.

General * Getting Started * Technical
Technical Stuff

In case you want some arbitrary numbers.

What are some of the important dates I should know about?
All times are Central Daylight Savings time.

June 1st: The sign-ups open!
June 22nd: The sign-ups will be closed (forever hold your piece!).
June 23rd - 25th: The assignments will go out.

July 23rd: The Beta Post will go up.

Aug. 5th: Freak-Out/Smug Party (the hair-pulling, hand-holding, oh-my-god-what-have-I-done! Gathering)
Aug 12th: Final reminder that submissions will be due in two days time.

Aug 14th (12pm NOON): All gifts are due (posted/e-mailed)!

Then we start writing our feedback!

You can check our calendar HERE.

What e-mails can I expect from the mods?
At the very least you may receive two e-mails. If we get to it, the first will be a confirmation e-mail of your requests. Fill out the sign-ups assuming you will *not* get this e-mail. It will depend on the number of participants. If we do send it out, reply only if we need to correct something.

Between June 23 and June 25, you will receive an e-mail listing three prompts and any opt-outs for one recipient. If your assignment doesn't turn up by the end of that Monday, let us know as soon as possible!

How should I submit my response?
With a LiveJournal Account:
Members-only posting will be opened on lonelytartsclub on August 14. LJers can join the community here. Please remember to use all appropriate headers and subject-line formatting when posting to the community.

Without a LiveJournal Account:
If you don't have a LiveJournal account, a mod will post your response for you. We would prefer that you use a website or archive site, and provide a link to the finished Thing; we'll do our best to accommodate you via e-mail otherwise. Please e-mail your submission (with all the header information) to the e-mail address provided in one of the listed file formats.

This includes GJ posters!

We're easy. Here's the GreatestJournal mirror. Pretty much everything except part 2 of the sign-up will be mirrored there.

Do I need to do anything special if I'm commenting anonymously at LiveJournal?
Step 1 of the sign-up will require your e-mail address and whatever name you'd prefer to use. We will be logging IP addresses as a bit of a precaution. Sign your name every time, please!

An alternative to signing your name every time is signing in to an Open ID. If you maintain a presence on another blog site, you might be able to use this.

Some entries will have screened comments, which means your comment will "disappear" after posting. We mods will see it, and decide whether to unscreen it or repost it. If you have information that you don't wish to reveal, like an e-mail address, reply to yourself with a note to the mods that you want it screened.

If you don't have an LJ account, you will have a sign-up form to cut-and-paste for step 2 rather than the poll.

What if I can't finish my assignment on time?
Please, please, please let us know as soon as possible! If you cannot complete your submission on time, for any reason, a pinch-hitter will be drafted in your place. But please do not abuse the generous nature of the pinch-hitter. Give as much notice as you possibly can. This means that if you know in the middle of July that you aren't going to be able to finish, let us know then!

What kind of headers do I use?
At minimum, each post will need:
- Subject Line Formatting
- Post Headers

Subject Line Formatting

Type: Title - Rating
e.g. Fic: Lonely Tarts - PG-13


Spoilers: Yes/No (Show-Season)
Warnings: (optional)
Summary: (optional)

Recipient: shusu
Creator: jade_1459
Title: Lonely Tarts
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: John/Rodney, affair with Vala
Spoilers: Yes (SG1 - 10x15)
Warnings: Bananas used inappropriately
Summary: We were just eating tarts.

If you're posting at the community, please use thumbnails and/or LJ-cuts.

(We're fairly loose about warnings, but keep in mind that people may use them to find a piece as much as avoid a piece.)

What about tags?
If you're posting to lonelytartsclub and are familiar with tags, you can apply the ratings and media type yourself. Otherwise, the mods will come around and tag your entry.

Anything else? Ask away!
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