I've never heard of a dog paying any attention to honey at all. That's funny :) Glad she didn't ingest the glass, however, that would be very had. (Our St. Bernard that we had as a kid was killed by a neighbor feeding him ground glass in hamburger.)
We had our scare last night. As part of dinner, Tara and I had consumed half a chicken (Derrick didn't mind, he was happy with the pizza and pasta that came as part of the same order). Before dumping the bones into the trash can, I noticed that is was almost full, and pulled it out of the trash compactor that is serving as a trash can cabinet so I could replace the bag and move the trash to the big can in the garage. But Tara had me leave the bag open so she could dump some more trash into it.
But, living up to his name, Rocket swooped in, grabbed some of the chicken bones and ran. We're about 50% sure he didn't eat any. So far there are no signs of any problems - but we need to keep an eye on him in case his iron stomach isn't up to saving him from this dogie killer.
(This is the same dog who survived half a pound of dark chocolate without much more than some loose stools, so he may be indestructible - at least as far as his digestive system is concerned).
Comments 2
But, living up to his name, Rocket swooped in, grabbed some of the chicken bones and ran. We're about 50% sure he didn't eat any. So far there are no signs of any problems - but we need to keep an eye on him in case his iron stomach isn't up to saving him from this dogie killer.
(This is the same dog who survived half a pound of dark chocolate without much more than some loose stools, so he may be indestructible - at least as far as his digestive system is concerned).
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