Jan 06, 2006 23:25
Sorry Kuma. I wanted to do math lab =_=
Dec 25, 2005 17:40
[[Merry Christmas]]
What the hell is this CHRISTMAS?! It's all everyone talks about! So infuriating! Is it some sort of human code or event to start a war or something?
[Theres something wrong with my keyboard. Ignore typos]
Dec 23, 2005 05:55
WTF! Too much drama.. TOO FxCKING MUCH!! Someone get me a metal fzcking bat so I can whack the shit out of Vince!
Oct 25, 2005 00:35
I'm updating at midnight.. Just felt the need to update... ~Yawns~ I'm going to bed...
Sep 12, 2005 11:23
Well it seems I don't have much to report.. As usual.. Yuuri seems to have gotten himself sick... The wimp... ~Sighs~ I guess I should check on him and get back to patrolling around the palace... And quickly... I think I hear my mother calling for me.
Sep 06, 2005 22:30
Well... Today was uneventful.. Had to take another boat trip with the maou... I'm still feeling sick...
Sep 05, 2005 12:58
Well.. I'm really not sure HOW this works exactly... But I will try to get the hang of it.. Well aren't you all lucky? I get to grace you all with my prescence... Well I'm off to learn about what does what on here. ~Flips hair and turns to leave~