god i probably smell terrible i havent showered in two days uhh this week sure has sucked i leave in 6 days for jamboree i am going to apply for a job at red lobster being a host it sounds really fun i really need a second job i need lots of money to rebuild the charger and my tooth fukin hurts imagine that
so tonight the house of flying daggers it should be a really good movie not to mention im seeing it with the coolest possible girl thats right you guessed it it should be a blast any way its coffee break time so this is the poem of the day
find your muse take a cruise make her happy and you wont freel crappy
so theirs this girl i know she has hot sexiness off the wazoo and shes cool to and so the poem of the week at the end of the hall you find life grey like the tatered remains of a hundred year frey you want to hide from life well i think ney with theses words to say Carpe Diem or seize the day
to write creativley is to write with authority creativity is bound only by sanity the more sane a person is the less they let their mind work and the less creative their stories are imagine a place with out creativity it cant exist and you your self have proved it because you tried to imagine it therein lies the problem
worlds will colide the fires will rise the land will rain tears of blood the fires on the rise and it brings the demise of the whole fucking wwwwwwwwoooooorld oooohhhhhhhhhh noooooooo there is no place to go what the fuck can we do sitting here you see it on the tv you see it when your dreaming and theres fucking no place to go