Title: Ryu’s Real Type
Pairing: HayaRyu, and a touch of Ryu/OC
Rating:PG-15(just to be on the safe side)
Genre: Humor, Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: I don’t own them…
Summary: Ryu’s side of the night he returned from Canada
Warning: A bit of cursing
Ryu's Real Type~ )
Comments 25
but that stalkeman pete was a total douche, what an idiot and like I said before, YAY HAYATO FOR PUNCHING HIM! and YAY HAYATO AND RYU!
Beacuse you can't have Hayato without Ryu! It's unthinkable!
Sorry, going of track XD Thank you so much for this! It really made this day bearable =') xxxx
You're completely right about Hayato and Ryu. It's not possible to one without the other! XP
Thank you for reading it! ♥♥♥
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Thanks for reading!!
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