"In “The Outsider” there is a marked difference between part one and two, and it is the knowledge that existence ends that forces Meursault to face it instead of just passing through it. However, in “Waiting for Godot”, there are no such conclusions for Vladimir or Estragon. Both physically and spiritually they are in a waste land. Physically, both
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Okay. Clubbing should be fun? I manage to get into Samfundet last night, despite being too young. This is the first time I go there. Me and my friends (who are older than me) get in at approx. 0:30. I met some girls I know when I disposed of my coat, but lost them in the crowd and never found them again. At approx. 1:30 some a-hole throws beer upon
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Har fått brev fra Trondheim Katedralskole om at jeg har kommet inn på IB-linjen deres til høsten! Hybelliv med piker, vin, sang, middagslaging, oppvask, klesvask, husvask, leksegjøring, husleie og ansvar for seg selv, here I come
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Meine Tag startet um viertel nach sieben Uhr in der Morgen. Der Wecker ringt sehr laut. Ich esse Frühstuck, zwei Schnitte von Brot. Ich fahre zu Schule um fünf vor acht Uhr. Ich habe Biologie. Nach die Biologie ich habe Englisch. Ich schreibe einen Text von einen Novelle wir haben lesen. Dann habe ich Lunch. Ich esse zwei Schnitte und trinke einen
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Wikipedia labelled "Being John Malkovich" as a "fantasy-comedy"? Most depressing movie I've seen in a long time. Craig Schwartz is just as disturbing as an embodiment of human flaws as Alex in A Clockwork Orange is, albeit in an entirely different way. Brilliant movie, though, if heart-breaking. (Not to say that the comical elements weren't there.
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