Ouch!:(((Sorry to hear that. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but have you even seen a shrink at times like these? You know, just to get you out of this emotional state (because panic attacks and distress are not helping to get better physically and cost you a lot of energy).
I don't really want to. There is a therepyst in my Cf clinic and a social worker who's qualify to do therepy as well, so I have professional help right there if I want it. It's just that I don't - I feel I'm handling it just fine venting my frustrations to John, friends or here, and taking Clonex for panic attacks.
I believe a real professional could help you better cope with emotinal upheavels like that (venting and sharing only help to an extent), she might teach you some techniques...It's just that I'm a great believer in self-help, analyzing and stuff:))
I've been to therepy before, I've been for years... I don't have the energy for it anymore, quite frankly. Obviously if I were really depressed or couldn't function because of anxiety, then yeah, I'd be running for help, but I don't feel I'm that emotionally disturbed by getting sick from time to time that I need to be in therepy. And to be even more honest - I don't want to spend time on that.
*warm gentle hugs and love* I can only imagine what you're going through. Sadly, your emotional responses seem appropriate to what you're facing and experiencing. I'm pretty sure I would be experiencing the same things in your shoes. Other than that, I don't have words, just support and caring.
Слушай, я вот мошет не по делу. Я не все асилила из-за своей лени, поняла лишь что у тебя из-за эмоций проблемы с систик фирозис. Так вот, у моих знакомых, что в Беер 7, есть дочка, что этим же стардает. ТАК ВОТ, она не пьет никаких стероидов потому что КАЖДЫЙ денб она делает по часу , перед школой (ей 12)игаляции с соляным расвором. Это дешево, и оченьэффективно. Ей дают кажись 7 процентный солевой раствор- на литр дистиллированной воды 70 гр соли. Так что, может такое просто и едешевое средство и тебе поможет? Может стоит попытаться?
Да, я тоже этим пользуюсь - два раза в день по три кубика [плюс кубик Вентолина]. Замечательный препарат, на самом деле. Я стероиды не пью, только когда артрит уж очень разыграется.
Comments 18
I hope you don't mind me saying this, but have you even seen a shrink at times like these? You know, just to get you out of this emotional state (because panic attacks and distress are not helping to get better physically and cost you a lot of energy).
*big hugs*
Я стероиды не пью, только когда артрит уж очень разыграется.
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