love_cassiopeia Summary: A complete mess was what Jung Yunho became after his beloved wife’s death. Trapped in a permanent state of isolation and loneliness, Yunho summons his knowledge on biology in hopes of recreating his wife in the form of an artificial human. However, the experiment goes terribly wrong and instead creates a male who has all his wife’s looks and qualities, one who he eventually decides to name ‘Jaejoong.’ Coping with the idyllic memories Jaejoong brings back of his wife, Yunho tries his best not to fall in love with his creation, knowing that the love he brings along is not the real thing-or is it?
Rated: PG-13 - NC-17
Warning(s): NC-17 material, language
Genre: Romance/Angst
Pairing(s): YunJae
Chapter 6: Nocturne (Part Two)
Definition: The Pulsatilla is a deciduous perennial flower native to Europe and Asia that grows in the leftover nutrients of a dead plant. It is usually grown to replace another plant. It is capable of curing diseases and may be used in remedies.
Back to Part 1 N o c t u r n e
It was a foggy morning-a few hours before the cruel concept of time called him to work. Lee JoongYoung strolled around Seoul’s town square, letting his eyes rummage through the surroundings in search of the government building. He had called in with the officials a few days ago to schedule an appointment. He considered that only by showing the government what he had discovered a few days ago, he would be able to fully scrape the anxiety and strange excitement off his chest.
He parked in the spacious lot, grabbed the manila folder filled with documents, and strolled casually into the building. He made eye contact with the secretary who clearly knew what he was here for. She made a call and sent him up the elevator where she said two men were waiting for him. Deciding not to show his gratitude, JoongYoung left without a word, clutching the confidential file tightly in his hand as if it was the most precious thing in the world to him.
As he arrived on the indicated floor and meandered over to the correct office, JoongYoung was met up with two familiar men dressed in business suits, an unsurprised look on their wrinkled faces as they greeted him.
“Mr. Kang, Mr. Shin.” He acknowledged politely by nodding his head at each of them. “It’s nice to see you two again.”
“It’s been a while, JoongYoung.” One of the men spoke. “So, what brings you to us?”
“I think you should take a look at this.” He slid the manila folder onto the nearby desk, opening it up to show a single photograph and a few documents behind it.
One of the government officials picked up the photo and examined it cautiously. He saw two men-one who was clearly more masculine than the other-walking casually down a local grocery store lane. His eyes immediately nailed themselves to the taller man, realizing that the two of them had met somewhere before.
“I remember him-Jung Yunho.” The official noted. “He works under the same branch you do, yes?”
JoongYoung nodded in response. “Do you recognize the man standing right next to him?”
The other man scrutinized the photo, mostly to look at the more feminine boy. “He sure looks familiar, I tell ya.” He commented. “But I can’t quite put my finger on where I met him before.”
“Take a look at the few documents behind the photo.” JoongYoung indicated. “I think they will trigger some memories that will be essential to explaining everything.”
The man sitting at the desk flipped through the folder and came across a particular file that caught his eye. The file had a small picture upon it, and it belonged to a woman named Kim Seulki.
The officials examined the picture, and then over the print. “Kim Seulki…!” One man pronounced. “I remember her as well. She’s Jung Yunho’s wife.”
The other man agreed. “We met them at a company dinner once before, remember?”
“Yunho-sshi is quite lucky, having a such a stunning wife.” The man remarked again. “Beautiful woman, she is.”
“She’s dead.”
JoongYoung’s remark made the two men look up from the file they had in their hands, tremendously bewildered at what their ears had just heard.
“Take a look at the newspaper article behind her file.”
The two men did as they were told, flipping through the documents until they came to a Seoul newspaper article from a few months ago labelled ‘Local citizen Kim Seulki killed in a bloody car accident.’
Realizing that everything in the manila folder related perfectly to each other, one man picked up the photograph JoongYoung initially showed him and observed the boy’s pale complexion once again. “How could this be?” He solemnly questioned. “This boy… he has the exact same face as Kim Seulki. Is he perhaps her twin?”
The other man shook his head in contradiction. “It says on here that Kim Seulki has no siblings whatsoever.” He argued. “She was an only child.”
“Then how the hell could this happen?” The official took a brief look at the date the photo was taken. “And this photo was taken recently… after Kim Seulki’s death.”
JoongYoung’s lips began to curl up in satisfaction. “I have an explanation for all of this.” He suggested. “Jung Yunho is a biologist, remember? Knowing him, he probably used Seulki’s DNA samples to try to ‘remake’ her… but failed miserably. And thus he created this boy.”
“If this is the case, we’ll certainly have to run tests on him.” The man asserted. “If we figure out how Yunho-sshi created him, imagine, we could create loads of humans like this for our army-to run businesses even.”
The man sitting at the desk agreed. “From now on, I will send out agents to spy on these two.” He claimed. “We need to get as much information about this boy as we possibly can-how he was made, how he works. Only then can we truly classify this as a scientific discovery.”
JoongYoung smirked at the man’s words. Once again, Yunho was going to get a valuable person stolen away from him. The thought of it sounded like victory.
Okay, I know I’ve been out for a while, and I want to reassure most of you that yes, I am still here! I haven’t forgotten about this fic, not the least bit, and I’d really like to get back on track with updating once a week. Hopefully you’ll forgive me. Real life gets in the way of things far too much nowadays D=
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the rather… lengthy… chapter. And please leave a comment if you can spare the time.
Thank you, as always =D
Previous Chapters:
R é s u l t a t |
A l i é n é |
D é s o l é |
B a i g n o i r e |
M u s i q u e |
N o c t u r n e 1 |
N o c t u r n e 2 |
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