So as much as I hate to admit it, I want my dad to come to my gradutation. He's missed everything else why shouldnt he be there? Maybe because he's a bum..... LAME on a brighter note, research paper = done WOOO HOOO
Hey SOrry everyone who was at Derrik's party. It sucked because I ddint really plan anything for us to do, and I had no idea where it was going to be at. Thanks to everyone who came though, it was greatly appreciated. Maybe there will be a better one sometime. Love you guys<3
So yesterday I got a really bad headache that didnt go away. I slept all day but it just kept coming back. So today I went to work for a half hour and got sick and almost threw up so I wenthome. I slept all day again, took a shower, and threw up. Now my headache is still here.
EBBY!!! FREAKIN FEEL BETTER ALREADY! Everyone who has given me a ride in the past few ummm weeks will be getting gas money from me, and thanks sooooo much you kids all freakin rock! <3X one million
Ive been listening to a HIM song for the past few days, and its soooooo good. Had our first cross country meet today but didnt run and im sad now.... ummm not too much else LOve you guys<3