And was it REAL gore or CGI gore? I never thought I would actuqally be asking that question. I figured gore FX was one of the few territories that make-up had a strong monopoly on forever and ever. I mean - why the hell would someone use CGI blood for Chrissake? Are they REALLY that lazy...oh wait...
There were some bits like...a jaw getting ripped off of someones face with a pickaxe and then flying out at the audience...that was partly CGI...but well done none the less...
Ah. It makes sense that the bits that fly out at the screen might be digital. Easier to manipulate for those gratuitous 3D shots.
Me and some friends got wasted and watched "Megaladon: Shark Attack III", "Jaws 3-D" and "Orca" the other night. It was amazing. I only wish they would release Jaws 3-D IN 3-D. I saw it in the theater when I was a kid and have never been the same...floating severed arm right in front of my face!
Oh and do yourself a favor. Scrape together a few friends, get stoned/drunk/crunk/etc...and rent Megaladon: Shark Attack III. I'm serious. It's life-changing. The end is well...maybe the greatest thing since spice racks.
Of everything you listed I have only seen Yes Man and Gran Torino, and I was good with them both. But then, I didn't see Liar Liar, and our tastes may diverge slightly.
Yes. Clint Eastwood throwing out every racial slur you've ever heard (and a few you forgot existed). That's why I signed up too. Fantastic stuff.
Also: Oh god, The Wrestler was amazing. But I imagine that's not on this list for a reason?
Comments 7
I feel the same way about movie remakes...(bad idea)...and 3D...(AWESOME!!!)
I will say this for it...
The horrifically over the top gore was nearly the first 5 minutes of the movie...and it was fucking BRUTAL!!
I loved it!
And was it REAL gore or CGI gore? I never thought I would actuqally be asking that question. I figured gore FX was one of the few territories that make-up had a strong monopoly on forever and ever. I mean - why the hell would someone use CGI blood for Chrissake? Are they REALLY that lazy...oh wait...
There were some bits like...a jaw getting ripped off of someones face with a pickaxe and then flying out at the audience...that was partly CGI...but well done none the less...
Me and some friends got wasted and watched "Megaladon: Shark Attack III", "Jaws 3-D" and "Orca" the other night. It was amazing. I only wish they would release Jaws 3-D IN 3-D. I saw it in the theater when I was a kid and have never been the same...floating severed arm right in front of my face!
Oh and do yourself a favor. Scrape together a few friends, get stoned/drunk/crunk/etc...and rent Megaladon: Shark Attack III. I'm serious. It's life-changing. The end is well...maybe the greatest thing since spice racks.
Yes. Clint Eastwood throwing out every racial slur you've ever heard (and a few you forgot existed). That's why I signed up too. Fantastic stuff.
Also: Oh god, The Wrestler was amazing. But I imagine that's not on this list for a reason?
Hate me, but I have a huge crush on Kevin James (but even that isn't enough to get me into the theater to see Mall Cop).
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