(no subject)

May 27, 2007 03:02

Stories and authors are linked below! This post will be edited as late stories come in. If there's no link, then the author hasn't (yet) turned in their story! If you want to read it, you have modly permission (not that you need it) to go whine to the author who claimed them.

Keep a look out for claims to open for Father's Day!

Battlestar Galactica (New Series) -
Socrata Thrace - carla_scribbles
Laura Roslin - bluerosefairy

Buffy/Angel -
Joyce Summers - oraclejenn
Darla - thebratqueen

Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga/Vorkosoverse
Cordelia Naismith-Vorkosigan - sibylle
Kareen Vorbarra - riko
Laisa Vorbarra - riko

Doctor Who -
Jackie Tyler - thistlerose
Jackie Tyler - livii

Eureka -
Allison Blake - melayneseahawk

Firefly -
Mal's Mom - nextian
Regan Tam - fell_beast2

Friday Night Lights -
Tami Taylor - thebratqueen

Grey's Anatomy -
Miranda Bailey - freneticfloetry

Harry Potter -
Lily Evans-Potter - melayneseahawk
Lily Evans-Potter - krabapple
Andromeda Black-Tonks - enterincolor
Narcissa Black-Malfoy - slytherin_face
Alice Longbottom - krabapple

Heroes -
Mrs. Petrelli - eyesdelight

M*A*S*H -
Mildred Potter - hobsonphile
Edna O'Reilly - hobsonphile

Rent -
Mrs Davis - enterincolor

Sex and the City -
Charlotte York-Rosenblatt - thistlerose

Sopranos -
Carmela Soprano - marginalia

Stargate SG-1 -
Janet Frasier - meeshyickle
Vala Mal Doran - grav_ity
Wendy Mitchell - meeshyickle

Supernatural -
Mary Winchester - acidquill
Mary Winchester - rejeneration

Veronica Mars -
Kendall Casablancas - crazylike_afox

West Wing -
Liz Bartlett - bluerosefairy

master fic list, !2007, !mod post

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