new entry because my old one made me gag. its a new semester. i passed last semester. its february. i hate february. i don't think i can spell february, whatever. i'm going to ohio state university. i'm a pre-major in the engineering program. dad is going to be outta town soon. someone should have a sleepover feb. 10th. please? that is all.
so you know that feeling when you think you're going to cry, but you can't? when you have all that emotion built up, just waiting to burst out yet it can't find an opening
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so i have pretty much lost interest with livejournal. not sure why, i just don't really like posting my thoughts and whatnots on here anymore. but alas, i will do it today, and maybe not again for awhile. who knows
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i haven't updated in what feels like forever. not much is going on though, just the same old crapola. annnddd...i don't know what else to say. maybe a real update soon? if you're lucky?