What would you do if "America NoDebt" calls you from a payphone that is located in the same state and same city that one was born in and whose father was raised in and whose grandmother is patiently waiting to die in? Yay stalker! Anyway... Damn women who wear skirts.
Let's talk about how fun the first day of school was! I got a pudding cup in my lunch.
Instead... Let's look at awesome before/after images of Tsunami Fest 2004,
provided to us by DigitalGlobe-with their lovely "space camera" - and
some guy who had the time to align the images so we can do the nifty
fun click the button weee before/afterness.
Stressful days before school.
Wonder if my brother paid for his classes.
Sleep is not on schedule. Gotta change by ... 8 hours earlier sleep/wake.
( You don't want to see my sink )