Title: Siempre Hay Algo Más
Rating: R
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia
A/N: I know, I know...an update in less than a week!? Color me just as surprised! This chapter obviously involves the now-famous Communion...I hope I did the scene justice.
'cause when you're standing oh so near, I kinda lose my mind )
Comments 20
That was awesome.
I'm so glad that it was Silvia who came to that realization and acted on it.
I'm squeeing now, that kiss conveys so many emotions.
Love, trust, adoration, acceptance.
And I can't wait for the dinner to take place!!!
You rock!!
(I totally do rock. :-P)
Though not looking forward to the bit where it all falls apart.
It was so sweet. The moment in which Silvia realized what she was feeling for Pepa, and Pepa doubting what was going on, sooo sweet. I love this fic so much. *grabs tissue box*
I'm glad to see things are also moving forward in the present, I can't wait to see how everything unfolds. But, I'm not going to be greedy and ask for another promptly update, I'm not, I'm not, no way, nuh-uh... please?? *smiles innocently*
p.s: I haven't forgotten, I'm totally living up to my end of the bargain, I'll update later tonight. Promise! ;)
Yup, things are starting to look up in the present, eh? We'll just have to see if it continues that way...:-P
p.s. Oooh, yay! And, pff, I'm sure the chapter will be great! Although, are you gonna start ratcheting up the angst soon?? I need to know if I gotta start preparing myself for it.
Oh, and the angst is coming, you can see its ugly head lurking in the near future. Prepare yourself!
"Pepa finally turned around to walk out, throwing the redhead one last smile over her shoulder as she shut the door behind her." How well we know that look!..and how we miss it!
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