as i watched the game today, my heart kinda hurt. and not because my "home" team was losing, but because i miss the city. the weather. lake michigan. wicker park. and everything else i experienced there this summer
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i just want one person to know me completely before i die. all of me. i read through and re-read my own thoughts and quickly hold down the backspace key. things only make sense in small increments of time. im always starting over. black clouds have taken residency above my head once again.10-day extended forecast calls for a storm. lightning and
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so i just got a HUGE application packet/course catalog for full sail in florida. theyve been the most helpful and interested in having me attend their school for my entertainment//music business degree next fall. but i still have a few months to decide between columbia chicago. full sail. and belmont in nashville. either way. im going to be poor
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about the way i feel inside. repetitive.shallow.hollow.broken.torn.cautiously awaiting the next letdown. under-eating and over-thinking. hopeless. i want a constant smile. faith restored.and scars restless nature is becoming a burden. sleepless nights and days that seem too long inspire the melodies i cant quite put on paper. caught
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i know a lot of people talk shit about hawthorne heights. but ive always liked them. and tonight made me realize why. theyre on a big tour right now. and theyre going through a lot of stuff with their label, yet still find a way to be awesome to their fans. eron pretty much saved my life tonight. and ive never met a more humble and gracious dude. i had
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Earlier tonight, my mom told me to turn the tv to channel 6. It was Oprah. and the subject of the show was suicide-and people who survived their suicide attempts. Listening to the stories these people shared brought tears to my eyes. It made me wish that Zed was still around. But sometimes, there are
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today was a good day. woke up kinda late for work. then checked my myspace. and email. and lj. and smiled. because i had pretty sweet comments from two people who barely know me&&live super far away. yet find a way to say the right things at the right times. lovelovelove.
ive been lame since i got home from work. spent a lot of time writing in my
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another summer is gone. and there's something bitersweet about realizing that maybe my life hasnt really progressed too much in the last year.
ive traveled.more than i could afford. ive met some of the greatest people ive ever known.and reconnected with people id lost touch with. ive created opportunities for myself.and loved.and lost.and fought
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"dont worry you'll show them- theres a fire in your eyes and i hope youll let it burn. theres a scream in your voice- and i hope you will be heard. theres a fire in your eyes and i hope you'll let it burn-until youre heard..."