so last night's aftermath turned out to be nothing short of horrendous. party? what.? oh you mean robbery. it was bad. story after story and i swear to god, today was like the worst day i can remember having. honestly, i cant wait til they get home. i need to get yelled at so this guilt can begin to decrease. on thanksgiving. hikinhg up this huuuuge frickin arizonian mountain.. about to dieeeeeeee.........but i lived. and the view was allll worth my pants are ttotally falling off my ace
so excited! im comin home on wednesday or thursday. i feel like im tkaing vacation guys LISA (the ONE person that made beauty school worth attending) is getting married! AND halloweens gonna be siiiick. SO ill be seein ya'll bored lil esco kiddies soooon much lovvve& kissys<3