OCB TOMORROW! lol. now i'm hungry. i have to be at work at 11. grr.. i hate work. but i get off at 5 tonight so thats ok. btw, beth. its ok if u go! i love u. lol
HEY Y'ALL!!! i have a date next weekend with my best friend, rob! i dunno whut to do!! i luv him so much! whut should i wear? wow. i never acted like thys for any other guy b4. whut the hell is wrong with me. somebody, HELP!!!!
omg, i had the most boring day at work today. and i found out my ex boyfriend is trying to hook up with some other girl. well i wish him the best of luck. i hope it works out with them. i need to find myself a GOOD man. lol
HAPPY NEW YEAR! it is now 2004. woopie. how exciting. i'm not looking forward to going bak to skool on monday. there is a certain person i want to see tho. ;P hehe lol. oh well, a few more days of vacation.