Alright everybody. you can stop asking me if I feel better. it wasn't the stomach flu. It was PMS. end of story. My genetics once again proves to me that I did not get the good side of the DNA tree. yes. I can be laid up in bed, crying from pain, with a fever, for a day. just because I was born a girl. Hur-effin-ray
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So I was right. I was sick. not a really high fever. just enough to make me freezing cold all day. Also been having stomach pains all day. I can deal with a fever. it's the stomach pain I can't stand. it started hurting in the morning and it got worse during the day. at one point I"d start crying everytime it hurt cuz it was so painful. So
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So last night we watched the asian horror movie and all with tyson, mel, sam, ashton, me, amy, and of course Ellen. So the best part though came after the movie
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So I survived my two days off from school. and by survived I mean survived the two days of work not interupted by school. Thankfully Joni wasn't in today so I was able to leave at noon like I wanted. We picked up the game room enough to have company come over. Even though Alex and Andrew like were trying to break everything in it! I swear I'm
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