Another quilting exhibition. Found this through
calicocats. Hold your jaw closed. ;)
Tokyo International Quilts 2008 Is it wrong to be cheered up when I spot that some of their seams aren't perfectly aligned, and some points don't match... on quilts that must have been juried into the show?
Comments 9
Any one in particular catch your eye?
There was one there; complex blocks, beautifully pieced and precisely quilted, but it left me cold, if you know what I mean. It felt 'soul-less', somehow. Mechanical. Very odd feeling and I can't say why.
Talk about art in the form of a quilt! Kind of makes you want to spork them for being so good... I liked the big white shaggy one, the repetitive blue zinnia-looking one, the central pink star, and that last folkloric one (possibly my fave). That's not to say that those were the best, just the ones with colorways and themes which hit my sensibilities.
Thanks for posting such interesting browsing material. ; )
Thanks for posting such interesting browsing material. Man pliaîse! (My pleasure!)
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